Radiosau sankeapp

by Per Lindholt



"Radiosau" is an app that basically shows radio bells from "Telespors" piano on sheep/cattle etc.. It works even with poor coverage, as it can only read short position data. With coverage, you can see the animals on the map together with you and possibly friends with whom you collaborate. When you usethe map, it will update positions every 3 minutes so you see that youcomes around the animal. Without a map, you can navigate to individual animals with arrows pointing in the direction you are going and where animals are. You can mark on the map before you go your position which leaves a tractor in the map, and the text the car in the list so that if you cannot find your way back, you can navigate back with the arrows or the map. If you need help, you can hold the field that shows your location, and it is on the clipboard in UTM format so that you can paste it into a text message where you ask for help.This is useful both in terms of security, and to help with e.g. animal, living or dead.